199 €
12 weeks
Made after the Weisenau helmet of the Guttman collection, this masterpiece is dated of the first half of the 1st cent AD. The original one was made of tinned bronze, and was one of the rare helmets of this period without frontal peak. With engreaved cheekguards, it probably belonged to an officer. Ours is either fitting an optio or a legionnary (lengthwise crest).
Weigth 1,65kg. Tinned iron with brass brackets. Inner dimensions 23x18,5cm.
"Ein schöner, qualitätsvoll gefertigter Helm, der aus meiner Sicht ein weiteres Highlight römischer Helme im Angebot der Firma Armae darstellt. Klaus Peter Horack - LEGIO II ITALICA P.F."
All the helmets - unless otherwise specified - come without internal padding.